

IRIB - Isfahan Center


Mostafa Nazarizadeh


Ali Khodsiyani

Haji Baba, an old man whose old bike is his only companion, gets hospitalized in a car accident. The event makes his children come together again. Haji Baba’s grandchildren have little time to find and return his bike before the grandfather discharging from the hospital because they all know how much he cares for his bike. 5 grandchildren try their best to find the bike by searching around the city of Esfahan and helping out Internet cyberspaces.


Original Title: Hashtag-Docharkgehbäz


Director: Mostafa Nazarizadeh

Writer: Ali Khodsiyani

DoP: Ali Hoseinzadeh

Editor: Golnäz Izadän

Sound: Ali Abdolhoseini

Music: Sayed Ahmad Mirmasoumi

Cast: Hasan Aklili, Mehrän Hädi, Farzäd Karimi, Sadaf Gharazi, Rahäm Nasiri, Amirhosein Käzemi, Asnä Karimiän

Production: IRIB - Isfahan Center

Exec Producer: Peymän Sabzehali

Genre: Drama, Children

Length: 82 min, 2019, HD