Heros "Heroes" is an animated TV series set in 8th century AH in Khwarazm, one of the cities of old Khorasan. The show follows the story of Poriya Vali, a blacksmith and master of a palaestra, who trains his protégés in the art of combat. Producer: Siavash Zarrin Abadi Director: Siavash Zarrin Abadi Writer: Siavash Zarrin Abadi
Garden of Tales "Garden of Tales" is a delightful TV animation for children and parents alike. The show is set in a peaceful village bursting with colorful flowers and follows the kind gardener who takes care of them every day. Producer: : Ali Honarvar Director: : Ali Honarvar Writer: Shima Adriani
Curious Little Ones "Curious Little Ones" is a TV animation series that follows a group of young children as they face various challenges, using their childish minds to overcome them and develop positive consciousness, empathy, and love for the world around them Producer: Atena Moslemi Director: Atena Moslemi Writer: Naghmeh Teflisi
Treasure "Treasure" is an exciting adventure story that follows the journey of a ruler who is obsessed with collecting wealth Producer: Ziba Keshvari Director: Samad Gholamzadeh Writer: Samad Gholamzadeh
Globulees "Globulees" is an animated educational series that teaches children and teenagers about the human body and how to stay healthy Producer: Babak Nazari Director: Ashkan Shir Mohammadi Writer: Ashkan Shir Mohammadi, Babak Nazari, Asa Saliani
Farid's Riddles Farid's Riddles is an animated TV series that aims to teach scientific and moral content to children in an entertaining way Producer: Seyyed Alireza Golpayegani Director: Seyyed Alireza Golpayegani Writer: Siavash Zarin Abadi, Pegah Izadian
Vegetable Neighborhood Vegetable Neighborhood" is an animated series that follows the adventures of Ghelgheli, Gol Beser, Gerdijan, Noqli, and their new friend, TT Lee, a pumpkin who comes to live in their vegetable garden. Producer: Ghasem Yusefi Kamangar Director: Bahram Javanroudi Writer: Shiva Darvish
Neighbors of the Forest Neighbors of the Forest" is a pleasing and educational animated series that follows the lives of several animals in a green forest who band together to solve problems. Producer: Hamid Reza Riahi Director: Mehrdad Mohtashami Writer: Hamid Reza Riahi
Animal Kindergarten Animal Kindergarten" is a heartwarming animated series that takes place in a forest kindergarten dedicated to animals. Producer: Kaveh Kan`ani Director: Kaveh Kan`ani Writer: Mas`ood Khakbaz, Azadeh Shakoori Rad
Mr. Teacher and Children Mr. Teacher and Children" is an animated series that showcases common stories and narratives that children experience throughout their lives. Producer: Davood Hadisi Director: Davood Hadisi Writer: Mas`ood Khakbaz, Zahra Beladi