The Clever Rooster and Cunning Fox Join “The Clever Rooster and Cunning Fox” on their adventures in this entertaining and educational TV animation series. Producer: Art Film Institute Director: Mitra Abdi, Ali Samimi zad Writer: Mahmood Mehr Avar, Ali Samimi zad
Rana, the Farmer's Daughter Rana, the Farmer's Daughter" is an exciting animated series that follows the story of Rana, an intelligent young girl who solves complex problems with her tact and intelligence. Producer: Ali Najafi Emami Director: Amir Najafi Emami Writer: Behrooz Vaseghi
Museum Museum" is an exciting animated series that aims to educate children about the rich history of Iranian art. This show takes viewers on a journey through time, exploring the cultural, social, and civilizational identities represented in Iranian works of art. Producer: Nader Yaghmaeian Director: Behrooz Yaghmaeian, Abtin Yaghmaeian Writer: Mohammad Shokoohi
Little painter The "Little Painter" is a heartwarming TV animation about a little boy who visits a magical forest he has painted daily. Producer: Babak Nazari Director: Babak Nazari Writer: Maryam Chalesh, Babak Nazari
Hazelnut Forest Hazelnut Forest" is a heartwarming animated TV series that explores the importance of teamwork and acceptance through the adventures of a group of lovable forest creatures. Producer: Reza Taghaddosi, Shahab Kasraei, Hoor Cultural Institute Director: Ebrahim Saketi Writer: Mohammad Heydari
The Chivalrous Iran remained in chaos and injustice in the feudal era after the Mongol Empire. Meanwhile, Iranian Commander Jalaluddin formed a four-member group named The Chivalric to establish justice, hope, and happiness among the people. The series narrates the adventures they confront during their trip around the country. Producer: Saba Animation Center Director: Group of Directors Writer: Group of Writers
Babaie This animated children's television series is about two little lambs named Babaei and Babaoo living with their flock. Each episode narrates an entertainment story about them with educational purposes. Producer: IRIB- Saba Center Director: Amin Hesaraki, Hossein Saffarzadegan Writer: Morteza Ghafari
Khaal Khaali The hunter makes fire with a pile of firewood in the forest. Khaal Khaali barks to alert him, but the hunter doesn't care; the dog tries to fire off. Finally, his tent is set on fire, and Khaal Khaali controls the fire with the help of the Elephant trunk, as a firefighter does. Producer: IRIB - Saba Center Director: Habibollah Pirjani Writer: Niyousha Sadr
Puffer Fish In this series, we met five friends traveling together and fighting with problems made by giant fish and winning their own problems. The series' location is a small village into the sea called Fish Hill. The story is based on the five main characters and the events in each episode. They maintain their friendships in any situation and come together to resolve their problems. Any of them may make some mistakes, but they can finally remove them. Producer: IRIB - Saba Center Director: Salma Afkari Writer: Ramin Karami
The Lonely Scarecrow As winter approaches, the lonely scarecrow decides to provide shelter for the birds who are not able to migrate per different reasons. But now, the cold season is nearing its close, and the scarecrow will be lonely again. Producer: IRIB-Saba Center Director: Alen Ghazarian Writer: Seyed Ashraf Tabatabaei