The documentary "Nomad Girl," directed by Ruhollah Akbari and produced by the IRIB's Ilam Center, is part of the eighth edition of the New York Kurdish Film Festival.
IRIB Media Trade presents the "Standing with the Wolf" documentary, produced by IRIB Channel 1, at the 23rd Baikal Film Festival "People and Environment".
"The Situation of Mehdi," directed by Hadi Hejazi Far and produced by Sima Film Center, is present at the 18th edition of the Kanazawa Film Festival.
The movie "The Situation of Mehdi" is screening at the Rasalat Cultural Center in Beirut starting December 19.
IRIB Media Trade presents the documentary " Nomadic Girl," produced by IRIB’s Ilam Center, in the sixth edition of India’s Innovative International Film Festival.
The documentary "Standing with the Wolf" co-directed by Saeed Nabi and Maryam Khedevi Borojni, from the "Tanahi" documentary series, produced by IRIB’s Channel One, will be present at the 30th SUNCINE Spanish environmental film festival.
IRIB Media Trade presents "The Situation of Mehdi" in the 27th edition of the INTERNATIONAL POLICE AWARD ARTS FESTIVAL - IPAAF, which will be held in Italy October 23 – 29, 2023.