Vegetable Neighborhood


Ghasem Yusefi Kamangar


Bahram Javanroudi


Shiva Darvish

Vegetable Neighborhood" is an animated series that follows the adventures of Ghelgheli, Gol Beser, Gerdijan, Noqli, and their new friend, TT Lee, a pumpkin who comes to live in their vegetable garden.

Vegetable Neighborhood


"Vegetable Neighborhood" is an animated series that follows the adventures of Ghelgheli, Gol Beser, Gerdijan, Noqli, and their new friend, TT Lee, a pumpkin who comes to live in their vegetable garden. The show focuses on teaching social skills such as cooperation, conscientiousness, obeying the law, and more. With the help and guidance of Father Gul, TT Lee quickly becomes an integral part of the group and brings a positive attitude and a love for reading to the table. The series showcases the spirit of friendship and empathy that exists between the five main characters and the exciting stories that develop around their relationships. "Vegetable Neighborhood" is a fun and educational show that is perfect for children who are learning how to navigate social situations and develop healthy relationships with others.

Vegetable Neighborhood

Director: Bahram Javanroudi

Scriptwriter: Shiva Darvish

Character designer: Maryam Karami

Space designer: Mobina Azhdari Laleh

Story Rail: Kourosh Javanroudi

Animator: Maryam Karami, Zahra Lotfi, Marjan Karami

Editor: Kourosh Javanroudi

 Sound recorder: Mehran Bareshi

Composer: Mehrdad Sabahi

Production Manager: Saba Animation Center

Producer: Ghasem Yusefi Kamangar    


Cutout, Full HD, Color, 2023