Neighbors of the Forest


Hamid Reza Riahi


Mehrdad Mohtashami


Hamid Reza Riahi

Neighbors of the Forest" is a pleasing and educational animated series that follows the lives of several animals in a green forest who band together to solve problems.

Neighbors of the Forest


"Neighbors of the Forest" is a pleasing and educational animated series that follows the lives of several animals in a green forest who band together to solve problems. Through their adventures, positive and negative consequences are explored, and the animals learn valuable lessons about life, society, and the environment. Along the way, they must also contend with the negative influence of a hunter who occasionally intrudes on their habitat, creating new challenges for the animals to overcome. The series is designed to teach children important social and moral concepts such as respect for others, honesty, cooperation, and environmental conservation, while also providing an entertaining and engaging experience. With its lovable characters and engaging storylines, "Neighbors of the Forest" is a must-see for any young audience seeking both entertainment and education.

Neighbors of the Forest

Director: Mehrdad Mohtashami

Scriptwriter: Hamid Reza Riahi

Character designer: Mohammad Safaee

Animator: Soroush Yusefi

Editor: Mehrdad Mohtashami

 Sound recorder: Farzad Ghanbari, Alireza Salar Kia

Composer: Amir Rahimi

 Title designer: Ahmad Moghadam Farzam

Production Manager: Saba Animation Center

Producer: Hamid Reza Riahi    


3D, Full HD, Color, 2023