Farid's Riddles is an animated TV series that aims to teach scientific and moral content to children in an entertaining way. The show focuses on developing problem-solving skills in children, teaching them that every problem has a solution, and encouraging them to rely on their thinking abilities. The series also includes a section dedicated to presenting various materials about the properties of plants, helping children improve their general knowledge about their surroundings.
With its smooth and simple dialect, the show is ideal for children and teenagers who are looking to have fun while learning. Farid's Riddles is perfect for parents seeking an educational, yet entertaining program for their children. The animation series is designed to engage children in a variety of ways, from the colorful characters and animation, to the exciting challenges and mysteries presented in each episode. Overall, Farid's Riddles is an excellent choice for families looking for a show that combines education and entertainment in a fun and engaging way.
Farid's Riddles
Director: Seyyed Alireza Golpayegani
Scriptwriter: Siavash Zarin Abadi, Pegah Izadian
Character designer: Hamid Borzouee
Space designer: Hosein Safi
Story Rail: Rojin Sharif Zadeh
Animator: Ehsan Rezaee, Reza Ghanaee
Sound recorder: Hootan Pour Zaki
Composer: Hootan Pour Zaki
Poet: Sahar Behjoo
Production Manager: Saba Animation Center
Producer: Seyyed Alireza Golpayegani
Cutout, Full HD, Color, 2024