"Hopes' Guardians" is a gripping documentary that tells the story of a group of courageous individuals who stood up against the war between mankind and nature in Iran. The film covers the struggles and triumphs of these unsung heroes as they worked tirelessly to revive the environment and restore hope to their communities. Shot across four regions of Kohgiluyeh - Boyer Ahmad and Fars provinces in Iran, this inspiring tale is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to overcome even the most daunting challenges. With an emphasis on stories of pain and hope for Iran's nature, the documentary offers a fresh perspective on the importance of environmental conservation. As the series continues in new regions of the country, viewers can look forward to more heartwarming tales of resilience, perseverance, and hope.
Director: Mohammad sadegh Dehghani
Scriptwriter: Mohammad sadegh Dehghani
Production Manager: Kohgiloyeh center
Producer: Mohammadsadegh Dehghani
FULL HD/5.1 / Documentary, 31 MIN (5 Episodes) color / Iran