"Shahbaz" is a thrilling TV series that follows the life of Najwa, an elite student in computer programming. Her exceptional skills in the field of programming have opened doors to a vast web of connections, leading her to uncover a secret internet subversive network called Arghavan. After the death of her close friend, Najwa believes that his death was not an accident but rather connected to the Arghavan network. To find out the truth, she delves deep into the dark web, seeking evidence against the Purple Network.
At the same time, a team of cyber security forces led by the elite agent Hossam has been searching for years to uncover the identity of the main operator of the Arghavan network. Their mission, named Shahbaz, is to put an end to the network's illegal activities once and for all. The series revolves around the thrilling race between Najwa and Hossam's team to uncover the truth.
As Najwa and Hossam's team get closer to the truth, they realize that the stakes are higher than they could have ever imagined. The deeper they go, the more dangerous and complex the situation becomes. The series takes viewers on a roller coaster ride of suspense, action, and drama as Najwa and Hossam's team race against time to uncover the truth before it's too late.
With exceptional storytelling and an excellent cast, "Shahbaz" promises to be an unforgettable TV series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Will Najwa be able to uncover the truth and put an end to the Arghavan network, or will Hossam's team beat her to it? Tune in to find out.
Director: Hamidreza Lavafi
Scriptwriter: Mina Khadivi
Director of Photography: Fardin Naseri
Editor: Reza Kord Bache
Composer: Habib Khazaei Far
Sound recorder: Rouhollah Jafar Begloo
Sound Mixer: Erfan Ebrahimi
Set and Costume: Majid Ali Eslam
Makeup designer: Jalal Amiri Marand
Production Manager: IRIB
Producer: Amirhosein Ashtiani Pour, Mahdi AliNaghi Pour
Casts: Arash Majidi, Reza Davood Nejad, Alireza Ara, Nima Naderi,
Mahdokht Molaei, Milad Mirzaei
(Privacy & Policy ) 50 Min ( 30 Episode)